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"What to expect when you return to church..."


The sanctuary was cleaned in August by Stanley Steemer, that includes the upholstered seating. 

All frequently touched services will be cleaned after each service with CDC approved cleaning products that we have purchased.

There will be a sign-up sheet for volunteers to perform this cleaning protocol each week.  

All cleaning procedures must be documented and available for inspection by the health department.


You must wear a mask when you enter the building.


There will be a log of attendees each Sunday, both regulars and visitors.  This will contain date, name, and contact info to be used for tracing purposes only.


Unfortunately, there will be no congregating before or after the service inside the church.  Please observe social distancing when outside in parking lot.


When you enter the Narthex, there is a touchless automatic hand sanitizer for your use.  Masks and gloves will be available if needed.


Due to social distancing, only every other pew will be available.


Family members or those that come together can sit together, but please social distance from others.


All the hymnals, Bibles, envelopes etc. have been removed from the pews.


If you choose, you can remove your mask when the service starts.  

If you need to move about during the service you will be required to have your mask on.


There will be no paper bulletins, the service will be projected.


There will be no singing, but we will have music.  The choir will not be performing.


There will be no collection plates passed.  A basket near the entry of the sanctuary is where you will put your envelopes and donations.


Certain areas in the church will be closed off for use.  Those will be marked "church staff only".

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